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Gorringe Park Primary School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed

Friends of Gorringe Park

Friends of Gorringe Park Primary School


The aim of the Friends of Gorringe Park is to advance the education and well-being of pupils at our school by raising money to help the School provide materials, resources and facilities for the benefit of all our pupils.

It’s not all about fundraising though. Being part of the Friends of Gorringe Parkis about taking an active part in the school community. Having our parents and school staff working together in partnership is an important and fulfilling aspect of school life and one that really does contribute to the success of Gorringe Park Primary School and its pupils.


Who can join?

All of our parents, families and staff are welcome to be members of the Friends of Gorringe Park.


Why should I join?

Being an active member of the Friends of Gorringe Park is a great way to get to know the school, how it works, the different departments and their needs and priorities. Also, to get involved in events and get to know other parents and members of staff who all work together towards a common aim – to enhance opportunities for our children.


What will I have to do?

As much or as little as you want to. We hold meetings twice a month that you can attend if you’d like to, but your attendance is not compulsory. We organise and run several events during the year. These include after school activities, discos, cake sales, movie nights and our main fundraising events – the summer fair and Christmas fair. It would be great if you could volunteer some time to help at some of our events.

Check out dates of forthcoming Friends of Gorringe Park meetings and fundraising events and please try to get involved and support in whatever way you can.


Money raised

  • At the 2019 summer fair we raised £3,820.40, of which £2,286.46 was profit. The profit this year was £648.28 greater than last year
  • Cake sales raised £837.75


Past events

  • Mother’s Day Craft event
  • Numerous cake sales
  • Numerous second-hand uniform sales
  • Catering and decorating the hall for the Year 6 Leavers Disco
  • Our annual Summer fair (photos shown below)
  • Film night (Y1-Y6) with popcorn and juice


Recent successful Friends of Gorringe Park bids

  • Year 6 sleep over snacks £50.00
  • Year 6 Graduation Gowns and Caps £1,700
  • Year 6 Coach hire for residential trip £1,700 (TBC)
  • Reception Coach hire for Godstone Farm trip £600
  • The new school library £3,000
  • Year 1 Coach hire for trip £640
  • Year 3 trip £284.86
  • High visibility vests for school trips £173.52


Why not get involved and help us to make a positive contribution to your child’s education and experiences at Gorringe Park Primary School? 


Gorringe Park Primary PTA

Gorringe Park Primary PTA

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