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Gorringe Park Primary School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed



         Mrs. Pyne                                                                                                          


I am Mrs. Pyne and we LOVE maths at Gorringe Park!


One of the reasons why I love Maths is because it links to every other area of the curriculum. Whether we are learning about time in History, using addition when composing in Music, using measure to create scaled models in DT, using proportions to mix paint or shapes in Art, comparing distances in PE, coding with angles and turns or creating presentation with shapes  in Computing, doing data handling during a field study in Geography, recording and interpreting results in Science, working together to investigate and solve problems which develops our PSHE skills  - Maths is everywhere and integral to life.

 All these are just some of the opportunities that we have to explore, reason and make connections with numbers in our world of learning.

We engage in Maths activities every day and thrive on learning, practising and mastering skills so that we can apply them to different context with accuracy and confidence.

I am proud to introduce our Maths Ambassadors:


They help us with Maths across the school by telling us about the learning in their year group and how we can make Maths everyone's favourite subject!


Our curriculum intent:


At Gorringe Park Primary School, our aim is for every child to develop the mathematical skills and concepts that enable them to use Maths in the real world. Mathematics teaches us how to make sense of the world through developing the skills of being able to calculate, reason and problem solve. We are committed to working towards a mastery curriculum that enables all children to achieve in Maths, regardless of their starting point.


Our curriculum implementation:


Maths lessons are taught every day and always include number fluency, procedural and representational variation, as well as problem solving and reasoning. As a school, we are developing a mastery approach to Maths. This means that in every lesson, we are taking small steps in our learning (coherence) to help make connections in the knowledge we’ve acquired. This will help us develop a deeper understanding of the concepts we learn.


Our curriculum impact:


Through our implementation all children will leave Gorringe Park Primary equipped to solve calculations and problems in everyday life.


Scheme of learning:


We follow the White Rose Hub Scheme of Learning that has been carefully planned to ensure children have the opportunity to learn, practice and consolidate new skills using a Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract approach (CPA). All children use concrete materials such as counters, multilink cubes or dienes in lessons to help them explore and manipulate numbers. An example in Year 2 would be using dienes to explore the concept of partitioning numbers into tens and ones (Concrete). This would progress to the children drawing representations of these numbers (Pictorial) leading to more formal written methods (Abstract). This approach has been proven to enable children to have a deep, conceptual understanding of maths.


The National Curriculum for Mathematics recognises the importance of talk within maths lessons. Children must be able to reason mathematically and in order to develop this skill, they need to talk about their thought processes, the links between concepts and demonstrate their understanding of how maths work. Talk opportunities are built into lessons and children are expected to explain and reason their ideas to demonstrate their understanding. Children who have a different home language to English are supported to develop their mathematical talk through modelling by teachers and peers.


The National Curriculum for Primary Mathematics has three aims that form the basis of the content of our curriculum.


  • Conceptual understanding

By developing children's skills through enhancing their factual, conceptual and procedural knowledge, we allow them to deepen their mathematical understanding. This then enables them to apply what they know to help them to solve problems.


  • Mathematical reasoning

The progression and development of mental calculations and efficiency in strategies provides children with the skills that allow them to communicate and present their findings effectively using appropriate mathematical language.


  • Problem solving

Mathematics is integral to all aspects of life. It is through problem solving tasks that enable children the opportunity to develop self-confidence in their ability to approach a range of mathematical problems. By providing opportunities to apply their mathematical skills in different contexts and across a range of subject areas, children will be able to work systematically to organise information, find patterns and ultimately solutions through independent and collaborative learning.



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