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Gorringe Park Primary School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed







I am Mrs Harris - Coke and I am the Modern Foreign Languages lead at Gorringe Park. Our wonderful and talented Miss Liu, Miss Lucky and Miss Wang are our Mandarin Chinese teachers. Each week, they teach Mandarin from Year 1 to Year 6.


Although I may not be fluent in Mandarin Chinese, I know the importance in learning a language other than English. I enjoy learning languages and especially try to learn common phrases in several different languages. 


We offer Mandarin Chinese as our Modern Foreign Language because it is often a language which is overlooked. Some might think it is difficult because the language consists of characters and not letters. However, I am certain that children can tell you that learning and memorising that characters is as easy as learning your ABCs.


Miss Liu, Miss Lucky and Miss Wang and I are extremely proud of the learning which takes place at school. We have been able to integrate this language into our school events. An example of this was when the children learnt how to sing Jingle Bells for the Christmas concert. We take pride in the ways we teach Mandarin Chinese. Children here are given the opportunities to practice what they learn through competitive games and discussions about Chinese culture in Mandarin Chinese.


It is always so exciting to hear what the children learnt with Miss Liu, Miss Lucky and Miss Wang. Children at Gorringe Park are always so enthusiastic with their learning and always willing to share their new language skills.

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